Artist: Jing Yan –
Reincarnation – Virtual Reality Recreation of Yves Tanguy’s World | Painting Recreation, Digital Animism, 2018
Reincarnation is a virtual reality art experience, built upon a series of French surrealist painter Yves Tanguy’s paintings in combination with my creation of pseudo-natural beings. Reincarnation investigates on how to transform surrealist paintings into an authentic and sensational virtual reality experience, which departs from a direct translating approach used by current virtualization of paintings. Reincarnation intends to reproduce as well as amplify the experience of original artworks by focusing on an agent-based spatial narrative and a surreal aesthetic for visual, motion, audio, and interaction. Beyond that, Reincarnation is also an artistic exploration and expression that seeks and argues the animism in various matters and challenges the anthropocentric worldview in an artificial intelligence era. By providing experience from different perspectives, it calls for people’s empathy for not only human beings but also other organic creations, artifacts, places, and abstract entities.